Visual arts & new media

Work of the Week: "Wisdom Trail" by Alex Janvier

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This week’s Work of the Week is "Wisdom Trail" by acclaimed Indigenous artist Alex Janvier.


This week’s Work of the Week is Wisdom Trail by acclaimed Indigenous artist Alex Janvier in honour of the master artist’s birthday, which was this past Sunday on February 28!

Happy to birthday to Mr. Janvier!

About the Artist: Alex Janvier

Alex Janvier was born on the Le Goff Reserve, Cold Lake First Nations, Alberta, in 1935.

He was raised in the Chipewyan tradition until he attended the Blue Quill Residential Indian School at the age of eight. Janvier graduated with Honours from the Alberta College of Art in 1960 and since then has built an international reputation as a painter, muralist and printmaker. He has influenced a younger generation of native artists through his paintings and advocacy work with arts organizations and land claim committees.

Janvier's imagery is a combination of traditional native decorative motifs such as medicine wheels, floral designs and symbolic colour combinations. In the late 1980's and early 1990's, his work became more representational and concerned with specific social and political issues.

Janvier has been the recipient of many accolades throughout his career. Since 2007, he has received honourary doctorates from both the University of Calgary and the University of Alberta, was appointed to the Order of Canada, received a Governor General's Award in Visual and Media Arts and was the first ever recipient of the Marion Nicoll Visual Arts Award from the Alberta Foundation for the Arts.

Alex Janvier continues to live and work in Cold Lake.

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Work of the Week
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Alex Janvier
acrylic on burlap
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Double Take: An Emerging Curator Exhibition

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Double Take, curated by Shannon Bingeman, challenges perceptions of logical order.


Double Take is curated by Shannon Bingeman, and generously funded through the Alberta Foundation for the Arts Emerging Curator Fellowship. Click through the images in the exhibition above, then scroll down to learn more about the pieces.

Explore this exhibition on Google Arts & Culture.

Double Take challenges perceptions of logical order. Each piece represented in the show has elements that are inherently familiar—a bed, a human figure, doorways, houses, vases—and yet, they provoke a feeling of the uncanny. There is something mysterious, alluring and in some instances, eerie, about each sculpture, photograph and installation.

The uncanny is a psychoanalytic concept that dates back to the writings of Ernst Jentsch in 1906. Although the term is difficult to define because it relies on personal experience, it is generally agreed that something that possesses uncanny characteristics combines elements of the familiar and the peculiar—a tension between the known and the unknown. Over the years, many artists have fabricated uncanny elements in their work as a method of questioning reality and exploring displacement and illusion.

In Greg Payce’s work the uncanny is achieved through manipulation of space. At first glance his ceramics read as a traditional arrangement of decorative objects but it doesn’t take long before illusions of bodies, faces and shoes emerge in the negative spaces. Kristopher Karklin and Colin Smith are artists who also explore illusion to create dynamic images. Karklin presents us with a seemingly ordinary photograph of a woman standing in a nondescript space but something is slightly askew. What we are actually looking at is a photograph of a miniature room modeled by the artist. The figure was photographed separately and superimposed to create the final image. For Smith, illusion is explored using a camera obscura, an optical device that predates photography. Images of exterior scenes pass through a small lens into a darkened room and are inverted and projected onto the walls. The result is an alluring juxtaposition between two seemingly disparate worlds that leaves the viewer ungrounded—what is up and what is down?

Michael Campbell, Sarah Fuller and Dan Hudson challenge perceptions of logical order through their interventions into nature. Campbell achieves this by including unexpected objects in the environment-- things that we would expect to find at an airport rather than in the interior of a forest. In Fuller’s work it is the opposite. The photographic prints on linen in Aldcroft Residence and Dubois Residence, which illustrate houses nestled into the woods, seem eerily fitting in their environment. Nevertheless, the viewer is aware that what they are looking at is an illusion. In Dan Hudson’s installation, River, it is the manipulation of time in the recorded landscape that lends itself to notions of the uncanny. We witness the season’s change at a rapid pace but the meticulous editing makes it feel as though the video was filmed in real time.

According to Caterina Albano in her article Uncanny: A Dimension in Contemporary Art “the uncanny happens as a blurring of reality at the erosion of the boundaries between the real and the imagined.”[1] All of the artists included in this exhibition explore that boundary through their use of scale, materials, optical effects and spatial manipulations. The result is a compelling arrangement of artwork that stimulates cognitive tension and warrants further investigation.


Artwork Descriptions

Kristopher Karklin, Jack and Jill Room, 2011, digital print on paper, 2012.018.001

Process and memory are fundamental to Karklin’s work. Jack and Jill Room is not a documented record of a specific place and time but a composite image skillfully crafted. The artist begins his process by re-creating environments from his memory in the form of miniature models. Like memory, these built environments are subject to distortion. The model and the figure are photographed separately and superimposed to complete the narrative. The lack of detail in the room and the anonymity of the figure are intentional. It removes ownership of the artist’s memory and allows us to recall our own lived experiences.


Sarah Fuller, Aldcroft Residence, 2013, archival inkjet print on ilford galerie gold fibre silk, 2014.016.001

Sarah Fuller, Dubois Residence, 2013, archival inkjet print on ilford galerie gold fibre silk, 2014.016.002

The buildings in Aldcroft Residence and Dubois Residence are both at home and displaced. The photographs are a record of a site-specific installation that the artist created in Bear Creek, Yukon Territory in 2013. Originally constructed as a company town for the Yukon Consolidated Gold Corporation, Bear Creek was abandoned in 1966 and many of the buildings were lifted from their foundations and transported to nearby Dawson City. Titled The Homecoming, Fuller’s installation integrated five of these buildings back into their original location using large-scale prints on linen. She also used theatre techniques from the 19th century to manipulate the prints, making them appear to transition from dusk to night. The end result is a ghost-like conjuring of the past—one that reminds us of the transient nature of place.


Colin Smith, Sebee, AB, 2010, archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass, 2010.042.004

Colin Smith, Vulcan Aerodome, 2010, archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass, 2010.042.005

Colin Smith, 56 Trolley, 2010, archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass, 2010.042.001

Light passes through a small hole in a darkened room and the space is transformed. An inverted image of the exterior world is cast over the interior walls and the effect is photographed by the artist using a single exposure that can take hours. The process appears complex but the physics behind it is quite simple. Smith creates his work using a camera obscura, an optical device that dates back to antiquity and has been used as a tool by artists including Johannes Vermeer (1632-1675). Like the camera obscura, the scenes that Smith captures have a rich connection to the past. Sebee, Vulcan Aerodome and 56 Trolley are all records of abandoned Albertan landscapes included in the Camera Obscura in Abandoned Landscape Series.


Colin Smith, Satellite Motel, 2009, archival metallic lightjet print, 2012.027.001

Colin Smith’s journey into photography began during a motorcycle trip from Calgary to Santiago in 1997. The influence of the road is apparent in Satellite Motel: one photograph in the Rooms With a View Series that was taken in hotel rooms across Western Canada. For anyone who has travelled through Medicine Hat on the trans Canada highway, the sign in Satellite Motel may look familiar. It is one of a handful of old motel signs that still remain on the outskirts of the city. Typical to Smith’s style, the image is constructed using a camera obscura. 


Greg Payce, Vase to Vase, 1995, earthenware with terra sigillata, 2011.058.004.A-C

Greg Payce, Pairadocs, 1996, earthenware with terra sigillata, 2011.058-006.A-C

Greg Payce’s work is an exploration of binary relationships—shape and form, background and foreground, reality and illusion. In Pairadocs and Vase to Vase the result of this exploration creates compelling optical illusions that formalize in the negative spaces between the vases. These vases are arranged in a manner reminiscent of a garniture (a traditional arrangement of two to five vases on a mantelpiece) and yet their skillfully articulated profiles reveal unexpected subjects – a pair of Doc Marten shoes and two faces. Furthermore, the artist adds a layer of humour to each work through the clever wordplay in his titles; Pairadocs rather than paradox and Vase to Vase recalling the term face to face.


Greg Payce, Kiss Detail, 2001, digital photograph on vinyl, 2011.058.009

Kiss Detail documents a portion of the artist’s three-dimensional work through the use of photography. Unlike Pairadocs and Vase to Vase, the whole of the ceramic work is not visible and the shape created by the negative space is quite ambiguous. Instead the figurative component in this work is connected to the vessel itself. The modulation of the edge on each piece reveals a generic depiction of two figures, one male and one female ready for an embrace.


Greg Payce, David, 2006, porcelain, 2007.023.001.AB

Greg Payce, Gemini, 2006, porcelain, 2007.023.002.ABC

In David and Gemini the illusionary figures are strikingly similar and nondescript. They appear as idealized depictions of the male figure but not specific to any male in particular. This effect allows the work to be open to interpretation. The artist isn’t trying to convey a specific meaning, but his titles are suggestive of biblical and astrological subjects. David may be a reference to the hero who slayed Goliath and whose idealized figure has been immortalized in stone by many artists including Donatello, Bernini and perhaps most famously, Michelangelo. Also, Gemini with its two identical figures, is likely a reference to the constellation of the same name, which fittingly means twins in Latin.


Greg Payce, Pantheon Verismilus, 2007, digital image laminated with plastic lenticular lens on laminate Dibond, 2011.058.010.A-E

In this work, Payce alters our experience of ceramic objects by moving away from an emphasis on the handmade, tactile quality of the medium towards a fascinating optical effect using lenticular photography; a technology that gives printed images the illusion of depth. Pantheon Verismilus, which depicts 40 vessels with implied male and female forms, is the artist’s first large scale image using this method. When viewed in person, it has a holographic-like appearance, an effect that is created by interlacing multiple images of an object from different vantage points. After the image is printed, plastic lenses are laminated to the surface and reflect portions of the image depending on the viewer’s perspective. As the viewer shifts in relation to the photograph, the image is in flux, appearing three-dimensional. By using this technology, the artist is able to work on a monumental scale in a way that would not be practical in ceramics. The vessels take on an almost human scale, which in the words of the artist “heighten the physical and visceral relationship to the viewer’s own body scale.”[2]


Michael Campbell, Remote Transponder I (Granite Staircase), 2003, backlit digital photograph printed on transparent film, painted wood box, fluorescent light bulb, 2004.003.001

Michael Campbell’s installation Remote Transponder I (Granite Staircase) creates a fictitious narrative by combining a remote landscape with an object displaced from its original function. In this case, the unlikely element is the granite staircase, which leads the viewer’s gaze downward, suggesting another space beneath the undergrowth. Unlike the Sentinel series, this work has an added sculptural component to its construction. The imagery is printed as a transparency and backlit within a painted wooden box.


Michael Campbell, Sentinel – Display, 2004, digital photograph on paper, 2007.031.001

Michael Campbell, Sentinel – Entry, 2004, digital photograph on paper, 2007.031.002

A sentinel is a person or thing that stands guard, controlling access to a particular place. In Michael Campbell’s Sentinel – Entry and Sentinel – Display, the objects grab our attention but their functions seem meaningless in the desolate landscapes. Exactly whose access do these objects control and for what purpose? Both photographs are a part of the artist’s Sentinel project, a series of digitally constructed works that fuse landscapes captured in the Crowsnest Pass, Alberta, with objects photographed in airports around the world.


Dan Hudson, River, 2011, HD video, gold-leaf wood frame, 2013.010.001

Set within the static gilded frame of Dan Hudson’s River installation is a mesmerizing and meticulously crafted moving image. It has the feel of a real-time video recording and yet the rapid shift of the changing seasons in the uninhabited landscape challenges that perception. In addition to the video footage, the artist includes an audio component from a busy city—we hear people talking, laughing, and arguing. The two components seem at odds but are fundamentally connected: the artist gathered both over the course of a year from different ends of the same river. 


[1] Caterina Albano, “Dossier | Uncanny: A Dimension in Contemporary Art” Esse vol. 62, 2008, url

[2] Greg Payce quoted in Amy Gogarty, “Greg Payce: Illusion, Remediation, and the Pluriverse” Greg Payce: Illusions, Gardiner Museum (2012): 10.

Art discipline
Collections Database Image
Sarah Fuller
Dubois Residence
archival inkjet print
Collections Images Slideshow
Kristopher Karklin
Jack and Jill Room
digital print on paper
Sarah Fuller
Aldcroft Residence
archival inkjet print on paper
Colin Smith
Sebee, AB
archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass
Colin Smith
Vulcan Aerodome
archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass
Colin Smith
56 Trolley
archival metallic lightjet print on plexiglass
Colin Smith
Satellite Motel
archival metallic lightjet print
Greg Payce
Vase to Vase
earthenware with terra sigillata
Greg Payce
earthenware with terra sigillata
Greg Payce
Kiss Detail
digital photograph on vinyl
Greg Payce
Greg Payce
Greg Payce
Pantheon Verismilus
digital image laminated with plastic lenticular lens on laminate Dibond
Michael Campbell
Sentinel – Display
digital photograph on paper
Michael Campbell
Sentinel – Entry
digital photograph on paper
Dan Hudson
HD video, gold-leaf wood frame
Dan Hudson
HD video, gold-leaf wood frame
Dan Hudson
HD video, gold-leaf wood frame
Dan Hudson
HD video, gold-leaf wood frame

Public Art Galleries Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Three-year funding for professional organizations to program and display exhibitions of visual arts.
Recipient type
Art discipline
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Public Art Galleries Operating Funding
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AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations who program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 
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Public Art Galleries Operating Funding
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AFA provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations who program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 

This grant provides funding in three-year cycles to eligible professional organizations that program and display public exhibitions of visual arts. 

Who can apply

To be eligible for Public Art Galleries operating funding, you must:

  • exhibit visual works of art and provide programs in the visual arts for the general public as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation documents
  • engage in on-going development, implementation and promotion of visual arts programming as its core primary activity in an annual program for public presentation
  • operate a gallery and/or exhibition space that:
    • is accessible to the public for at least 1,000 hours each year
    • fulfill the minimum requirements for the security and presentation of exhibited work
  • employ at least one full-time equivalent administrative and/or artistic staff member responsible for planning and directing the gallery programs

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least three years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • contract with exhibiting artists and provide professional artists’ fees according to copyright legislation and schedules recommended by the Canadian Artist Representation Copyright Collective (CARCC)
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices, and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining an artistic mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates
  • comply with all Canadian Arts Database (CADAC) financial and statistical data requirements
  • have a board-approved cash reserve policy

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

Organizations can only receive operating funding from one AFA grant program.

First-time applicants

Eligible first-time applicants are accepted only at the beginning of each three-year cycle.

If this is your organization’s first application for Public Art Galleries operating funding, you must contact us at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment to ensure your organization meets the eligibility criteria.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must have met all eligibility requirements for the three annual fiscal periods prior to application. You must also provide board-approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets and has been operating with no annual deficit for each of these three fiscal periods.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • an Application Contact List which designates one contact as your organization’s primary contact and signing authority for this application 
  • your organization’s street address and mailing address 
  • your organization’s registration details, including legal name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • CADAC number for your organization’s last three years of financial and statistical data
  • an Organization Applicant Agreement, which must be agreed to by your organization’s Signing Authority
  • a current board list, which includes names and titles, mailing addresses, telephone numbers, email addresses and start dates for all current members
  • a completed Community Derived Revenue Calculation form, using the data from the corresponding lines from CADAC
  • a completed Diligence Questionnaire


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • your organization’s current, board-approved business or strategic plan
  • a copy of your organization’s Cash Reserve Policy
  • Governance Principles
  • a listing of planned activities for the coming year
  • a current list of your organization's core staff and their positions 
  • your most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of your most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry

Cash Reserve Policy requirements

Your organization’s submitted Cash Reserve Policy must: 

  • be approved by your organization’s Board of Directors
  • establish a base Cash Reserve amount as a percentage of your organization’s annual operating expenditures and provide a rationale for that base amount
  • outline that the Cash Reserve be clearly identified on your organization’s annual financial statement
  • define the Cash Reserve as an unencumbered, restricted cash account that can only be accessed upon a resolution of your organization's board of Directors, approved by a majority vote
  • outline that the Cash Reserve funds may only be used to temporarily finance unforeseen operating deficits
  • outline that funds removed from the Cash Reserve must be replenished within three fiscal years from the end of the fiscal year in which the Cash Reserve funds were utilized
  • outline that any changes to the Cash Reserve policy as established, including its base amount, need prior approval by the AFA

We strongly encourage all organizations to strive for a cash reserve of no less than 10% of your organization’s average annual operating expenditures. However, we recognize that individual organizations have unique operating requirements. In considering the savings target for the Cash Reserve, your organization’s Board of Directors is expected to consider its own operating requirements and determine an appropriate target which may be more or less than 10% of average annual operating expenditures.

Eligible organizations in this funding opportunity are encouraged to consult department staff as they develop the Cash Reserve Policy and associated plan for implementation.

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants. 

Funding amounts are calculated in two stages:

1. First, your organization’s three-year average CDR adjusted to the following percentage tiers:

  • 22% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR equal to or greater than $750,000
  • 30% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $750,000 and equal to or more than $150,000
  • 40% of such CDR for organizations with a three-year average CDR of less than $150,000.

2. Your organization’s adjusted CDR is then divided by the sum of the adjusted CDR for all eligible Public Art Galleries organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding allocation.

Funding for Public Art Galleries is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy  applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding Acknowledgement

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit satisfactory interim and final reports in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application. If your organization does not intend to continue to seek AFA operating funding, you are still required to submit a final report.

Your organization’s interim report and final reports are due April 1 each year of the three-year grant cycle. We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Interim Report

GATE Front Office online forms

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements and that corresponds to your CADAC filing
  • current Board list


  • copies of related promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with recognition requirements
  • listing of completed arts activities that corresponds to your last fiscal year
  • listing of planned arts activities for your current fiscal year
  • a material change report
  • your organization’s most recent annual financial statements including Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
    • up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • more than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • proof of filing for your most recent return to Alberta Corporate Registry

Final Report 

Your organization’s final report for the three-year funding cycle is due April 1 along with your new funding application. It must include the following.

GATE Front Office online forms:

  • operations and programming statistical information for the year aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements


  • sample of promotional and publicity materials for the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements
  • listing of completed art activities report aligning with your organization’s most recent approved financial statements
  • your organization’s most recent approved financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows – information must be updated in CADAC
    • Up to $25,000 requires a financial statement approved and signed by three board members, including the treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000 requires a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000 requires a Review Engagement statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • More than $100,000 requires an Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
  • reviews, gallery publications, invitations and/or catalogues in which projects are mentioned.
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

Download additional resources

Deadline information

Art Acquisitions by Application

Grant subtitle
Apply to have your artwork become part of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Art Collection
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Art Acquisitions by Application program guidelines
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Apply to have your artwork become part of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Art Collection
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Art Acquisitions by Application program guidelines
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Apply to have your artwork become part of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Art Collection

This program provides support for individual Alberta artists or an ensemble of artists through the purchase of their artwork as a permanent part of the Alberta Foundation for the Arts (AFA) Art Collection.

Who can apply

The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

This program will only consider submitted artwork by Alberta artists who meet the three mandatory criteria for CORE artists as described in the AFA’s Collections Development Plan.

Individual eligibility criteria

To be eligible for this acquisitions program, you must be a resident of Alberta. This means you:

  • are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Person with an open work or study permit from inside Canada
  • have had your primary residence in Alberta for at least one full year before applying

Current applicants to AFA grant programs and recipients of past AFA grants and awards are eligible to apply to the Art Acquisition by Application Program each deadline providing they are in good standing with the AFA and meet the program eligibility requirements.

Ensembles are eligible if they are made up of members who meet the individual criteria.

Art training programs

To be eligible for this acquisitions program, you cannot be currently enrolled in a formal art-training program. This means a minimum of one full calendar year must pass between graduation from any formal art-training study and application to the program.

  • Artist residencies and PHD programs are eligible if they are self-directed and do not have a formal art-training component


Submission from a gallery/agent will only be eligible if the artist meets all eligibility requirements and has signed a Designation for Submission by a Commercial Gallery, Organization or Artist Agent form.

  • Incorporated production companies are not eligible to apply
  • Sole proprietorships must apply as an gallery/agent classification and the sole owner must complete the above Designation form

Applicants may be asked for additional information to determine eligibility, or any other program requirements when applicable.

What does this funding support?

Through this opportunity, you may apply to have your artworks purchased to become part of the AFA’s permanent Art Collection. View artwork currently included in the AFA Art Collection.

The AFA acquires artwork at fair market value. Fair market value is established by the record of sales of the artwork of the specific artist and comparable artwork by other artists who are peers working in similar media.

Artworks in one or more of the following categories are eligible for submission:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • printmaking (excluding reproductions)
  • fibre art
  • ceramics
  • photography
  • glass
  • mixed media
  • new media (time-based media, electronic arts, audiovisual art)

Eligible artworks must be physically available for viewing at the Capital Arts building in Edmonton, should the program expert panel request to see them. Exceptions for large works may be considered on a case-by-case basis.

  • please note the expert panel process can take up to four months to complete following the deadline.

Eligible submissions

Artworks must have been completed within the last five years (calculated from the June 1 deadline)

The AFA will consider a maximum of five artworks per artist. Please note that all artworks must be included in the same application.

If an artwork is comprised of more than one part/component where the individual parts/components can also be sold separately, it must be submitted as one artwork with one purchase value placed on it or five artworks must be selected from the whole, each submitted with an individual price.

Time based media artworks should be independently produced where the artist maintains ownership and creative control of the artwork. Artworks should be intended for a non-commercial, non-industry audience.

Only one application per artist can be submitted:

  • if two applications are submitted for the same artist (for example, one from a gallery and one from an individual), the application received first is the only one which will be considered

Ineligible projects

The AFA will not consider artwork produced during workshops or seminars, during the time of formal art-training study, or resulting from art courses involving formal instruction.

Applied arts such as gaming, architecture, interior design, commercial photography, graphic arts and design and/or fashion design are not eligible for submission.

New media works produced for commercial purposes are not eligible.

Published books of photography images are not eligible for submission.

How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system. We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Email us at to get your login information at least five business days prior to the application deadline. Please include:

  1. the contact name of the individual responsible for preparing your application
  2. the legal name of your organization (for those who are submitting via the artist’s gallery/agent)
  3. the contact person’s email address

The username and password will be sent to the person at the email address provided.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide for this funding opportunity:

GATE Front Office online forms

  • legal name and confirmation of the applicant status (minor/Albertan)
  • contact Information: current, complete contact information for the primary applicant (individual or gallery contact)
  • applicant contact Information: street and mailing address for the primary applicant or gallery
  • general information: confirmation of applicant classification (artist or gallery/agent)
  • a completed applicant agreement including the e-signature of the primary applicant
  • artwork submission list including: artist name, artwork title, date, price, size and an artistic statement about the piece, and its exhibition history (if applicable)
    • for new media or time-based media artworks, a Vimeo or other web link to the complete work (with password provided) should be included with the artist statement


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects. It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application. Wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB).

  • an artistic resume of no more than four pages, with current mailing address which outlines any past exhibitions, achievements, teaching experience and/or formal education as applicable
    • resumes will be used to determine CORE artist eligibility
    • galleries applying on behalf of an artist must ensure that the artist’s current address is included on the resume

Images must be submitted and labelled as follows:

  • when entering a single image of a single artwork into the database, each image must be labelled with the artists’ name, title of the work and numbered as follows to ensure that the correct image corresponds with the artwork
    • 1_Lastname_title
    • 2_Lastname_title, etc.
  • when entering multiple images of a single artwork, each image should be labeled and numbered as follows
    • 1a_Lastname_title
    • 1b_Lastname_title, etc.
  • mislabeled images will not be accepted. Do not title files image 1, image 2, etc.
  • the AFA will not accept visual representations of artworks that do not match the artwork title, medium, size, and date associated with the submission
    • for new media or video artworks, image stills can be used to represent the work

All video and audio files must be Windows compatible, MP3 and MP4 files are preferred.

If your support material is too large to submit, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1. Please include your first name, last name and project number on the CD or USB.

Supplementary material sent by mail must be postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time of the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day.

Applicants may be asked for additional information.

How will my application be assessed?

Department staff provides consultative and administrative services to the AFA. They will convene an expert panel to assess all applications according to artistic merit and make recommendations to the AFA Board. 

The expert panel process involves a three-stage process:

Stage 1

The expert panel reviews all eligible artworks and selects artworks to be viewed in person at the Stage 2 & 3 adjudication.

Assessment of artworks are based on the following criteria:

  • strong elements of principals and design
  • strong idea/concept
  • excellent technique/craftsmanship
  • represents a medium, practice or concept that is cutting edge, new, and/or emerging
  • challenges and extends the medium
  • importance in terms of the artist’s overall exhibition record/achievement
  • importance in terms of the artist’s overall career
  • whether the artwork has been created in celebration of, or to mark important events or anniversaries within the visual arts community and/or the province
  • whether the artwork forms an integral piece in a series or composite work
  • whether the work is a strong example of the artist’s work from a particular period
  • whether the work reflects the pinnacle of a transition or paradigm shift in an artist’s practice
  • in relation to artworks already held in the AFA collection

Department staff notify successful applicants for second stage expert panel adjudication. Artists must arrange for their artworks to be delivered to one of two depot locations (in Edmonton or Calgary), from where Arts Branch staff will collect them. Artworks are reviewed in Edmonton. Artists and Galleries are responsible for ensuring artworks are adequately wrapped for transport to depot to ensure artworks’ safety.

Stage 2 

Department staff review the shortlisted artworks to ensure works are in accord with the Collections Development Plan, including;

  • assessment for potential conservation, structural, and/or maintenance issues
  • evaluation of the work’s importance in the Alberta artist’s oeuvre
  • consideration of whether the artwork fills a gap of the artist’s works already included in the AFA Art Collection
  • consideration of whether the artwork fills a gap in medium and would broaden the representation of that medium in the AFA Collection
  • consideration of whether the artwork fills a gap in genre and would broaden the representation of that genre in the AFA Collection

Stage 3

The expert panel members view and review the shortlisted artwork in a gallery setting. Artworks are assessed again and selected artworks are prioritized for purchase, based on the criteria from Stage 1.

Proof of fair market value may be required from artists selected for the Stage 3 expert panel. 

Artworks not selected for purchase are retuned to artists at a second depot in Edmonton and Calgary.

All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Artists whose artworks are not requested for Stage 2 will be notified within three months of the application deadline. All applicants will be notified in writing of the result of their applications within six months of the application deadline.

We gather general comments about the applications and share them on the Adjudication page. The expert panel does not record specific comments about individual applications. 

Exhibition requirements for second stage adjudication artworks

If artworks called in to the second stage adjudication are booked for an upcoming exhibition, please let the Arts Development Consultant - Visual Arts and New Media know as soon as possible. An exhibition loan will need to be arranged if the work is purchased by the AFA.


Before an artwork is purchased, the artist/copyright owner of the artwork(s) must complete, sign and upload an Reproduction/Exhibition Agreement, a fully completed Acquisition Data Sheet, and an invoice through the GATE Front Office system.

  • forms and templates for these documents are available from program staff

The Reproduction/Exhibition Agreement will only be accepted with a wet signature. (A wet signature is any signature affixed to a hard copy with a pen or other writing device.)

  • the AFA will accept electronic signatures (e.g., Adobe e-signature) on the Acquisition Data Sheet

Artworks selected for purchase are evaluated for conservation concerns before acceptance into the AFA Art Collection. Artworks must be in good condition and free from inherent vice.

For new media or time-based media artworks, the following will be required to complete the purchase:

  • submission of an uncompressed or lossless (preservation) master copy of the work, labelled with the title of the work, how the drive is formatted (Mac, NTFS (Windows), or Linux), and the file format (.AVI, .MOV, .WMV, etc.) on a external (USB or Firewire powered) hard drive
  • submission of a high quality, lossless, unencrypted exhibition copy of the work on a USB zip drive or external (USB powered) hard drive, suitable for playback in a Windows / PC environment, labelled with the title of the work and the file format (.AVI, .MOV, .WMV, etc.)
  • submission of an access copy of the work on a CD ROM or DVD suitable for playback in a Windows / PC environment

HD video should not be anamorphic and should be in resolutions of either 1920 x 1080 or 1280 x 720 with square pixel aspect ratios. Artists working in PAL environments must also provide an NTSC version.

Acceptable formats for digital video works are:

  • Audio Video Interleaved Format (AVI) (Codecs- Uncompressed 4:2:2)
  • QuickTime file format (MOV) (Codecs- Uncompressed 4:2:2)
  • Windows Media Video 9 File Format (WMV) (Codecs-VC1)
  • MPEG 4 (Codecs- H.264)
  • MPEG-2 Video (MPEG 2)
  • Material Exchange Format (MXF) (codecs- J2K losslessly compressed)

Art Acquisition by Application does not require a final report. 

Helpful resources

Resources for using the GATE Front Office system:

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • read application tips for individual artists that will help you write a stronger grant application
  • find tips for developing digital images to attach to your grant application

Galleries/agents submitting applications must include a signed Designation for Submission by a Commercial Gallery, Organization or Artist Agent form.

Art acquisition recommendations are made by Expert Panels. Their comments can be useful tips to help you improve your application.

Should you wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:

Successful applications will result in artworks being acquired into the AFA Art Collection. 

Deadline information

Community Support Organizations Operating Funding

Grant subtitle
Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.
Recipient type
Preview image
Facebook title
Community Support Organizations Operating Funding
Facebook description
Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.
Twitter title
Community Support Organizations Operating Funding
Twitter description
Annual funding for not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services.

This grant provides annual funding to eligible not-for-profit community organizations that provide arts programs and services to communities, including those with limited arts opportunities.

Who can apply

To be eligible for Community Support Organizations operating funding, you must:

  • have programming in artist support and development, artist training or public participation in the arts as your organization’s principal mandate as stated in its incorporation document

Your organization must:

  • be a not-for-profit organization
  • be registered and in good standing under the appropriate legislation and have been in operation in Alberta for at least two years
  • have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta
  • demonstrate the ability to operate using good governance principles, effective administration practices,and a commitment to fiscal responsibility while maintaining its mandate
  • operate as a stand-alone arts organization at arms-length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or organizations and institutions receiving annual operating funds from the Government of Alberta or its affiliates

Ineligible applicants

Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.

First-time applicants

If this is your organization’s first application for AFA Community Support Organizations operating funding, you must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.

As a first-time applicant, your organization must provide approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets for the two annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.

What does this funding support?

This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.

AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:

  • administration
  • programming
  • salaries and fees
  • maintenance of equipment and fixed assets
  • promotion
  • other expenses as required to fulfill your organization’s mandate
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form. Return as an email attachment to, quoting the funding opportunity or grant program to which you are applying.

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provided on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online formlets:

  • Contact List: Includes the primary contact for your application and signing authority for your organization
  • Applicant Contact Information: Includes street and mailing address
  • Organization Information: Includes the organization’s legal name, Alberta Registration number, incorporation date, and fiscal year-end
  • Organization Applicant Agreement: Includes the name and position of your legal signing authority
  • Current Board List: Includes names, titles, mailing addresses, contact information, and start dates for all current board members
  • Statement of Eligible Expenses: Using data from your most recent, board-approved financial statements, includes total expenses (eligible and ineligible), revenue, government grants, and membership information
  • Diligence Questionnaire: Ask questions about your programming, financial management, and stewardship


Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

How will my application be assessed?

Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated for each organization through two components:

  • your organization’s eligible expenses
  • equitable distribution of available funds to all eligible applicants

Funding for Community Support Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based upon the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board. The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year, based on information provided in your funding application.

Ineligible expenses for operating funding include, but are not limited to:

  • alcohol
  • amortization
  • GST expenses
  • fundraising expenses
  • bad debt and other paper losses
  • capital expenses
  • other non-cash or in-kind expenditures

The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:

  • funding recipients must return unused portions of their grant to the AFA
  • we may require your organization to return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • if you do not meet reporting requirements, your organization may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved

The AFA Fair Notice Policy applies to this funding opportunity:

  • we may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of your grant in circumstances where we are concerned with the viability of your organization

Funding acknowledgement 

Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material. 

  • if your organization fails to satisfy AFA recognition requirements, it may be subject to a 10% funding reduction in subsequent payments
  • subsequent infractions may result in ineligibility to apply for AFA funding opportunities

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.


You are required to complete and submit a satisfactory final report in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application.

Your final report is due March 1.

We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 p.m. on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Your organization’s final report must include:

GATE Front Office online formlets:

  • Statistical Report: Aligned with your organization’s most recent signed, board-approved financial statements and fiscal year end


  • Your organization’s most recent financial statements with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenue and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows; if your AFA grant was:
    • $25,000 or less, you must include at minimum a financial statement approved and signed by two board members plus your treasurer
    • $25,001 to $50,000, you must include at minimum a Notice to Reader financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $50,001 to $100,000, you must include at minimum a Review Engagement financial statement provided by an independent, professionally designated accountant
    • $100,001 or higher, you must include a full Audited financial statement provided by an independent, professional designated accountant
  • Copies of promotional and publicity materials from the previous year, showing compliance with AFA recognition requirements (scanned into one PDF file of no more than 4 MB)
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application or final report.

For payment, you must attach a completed Direct deposit form or void cheque as part of your application:

  • Direct deposit form 
  • please note that void cheques must include the legal name and address of the organization
Deadline information

Queen's Platinum Jubilee Scholarship for Visual Arts

Grant subtitle
This scholarship of $7,000 is awarded annually to a young Albertan visual artist.
Recipient type
Art discipline
Preview image
Facebook title
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Scholarship for Visual Arts
Facebook description
This scholarship of $7,000 is awarded annually to a young Albertan visual artist.
Twitter title
Queen's Platinum Jubilee Scholarship for Visual Arts
Twitter description
This scholarship of $7,000 is awarded annually to a young Albertan visual artist.

One scholarship of $7,000 will be awarded annually by the Government of Alberta to a young Albertan visual artist who shows extraordinary talent and potential and who demonstrates clear educational or training goals.

Who can apply
  1. To be eligible for scholarship funding you must be a resident of Alberta. This means you:
    • are legally entitled to be or remain in Canada
    • have had your primary residence in Alberta for one full year before applying
    • ordinarily live in Alberta for at least six months each year with the exception of attending a formal program of study
  2. You must be 25 years or younger as of the application deadline.
  3. You must be enrolled in an eligible visual arts training program.
What does this funding support?

Eligible training programs

You must be enrolled in an eligible training program to receive this scholarship.

Eligible visual arts programs that will be accepted for assessment of educational or training merit are the following:

  • any level of undergraduate studies with a minor or major in visual arts
  • a recognized program or appropriate mentorship, workshop, master class, or course with a focus on visual arts

Graduate programs or their equivalents are ineligible for consideration.

Eligible genres

For the purposes of this scholarship program, eligible visual arts works that will be accepted for assessment of artistic merit include, but are not limited to:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • printmaking
  • works in clay, glass, wood, metal, fibre, or any combination of these materials
How to apply

We only accept applications through Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

Please note:

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA each deadline across all disciplines
  • the AFA does not accept incomplete applications

We do not accept separate applications for the same project.

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Email us at to obtain your login information at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please include:

  1. your legal name
  2. the funding opportunity to which you are applying
  3. your email address

Your user name and password will be sent to the email address provided.

Application requirements for minors

If an applicant is under the age of 18 years at the time of application, a parent or legal guardian must e-sign the Applicant Agreement in GATE Front Office as the designate for the scholarship.

As the designate, you are responsible for:

  • the completeness and accuracy of the application in full
  • receipt and use of funding
  • serving as contact person for any inquiries relating to the funding

What to include in your application

Your application will include online forms to complete and attachments you must upload to your application.

Please note that applicants may be asked for additional information to determine eligibility or any other program requirements.

GATE Front Office online forms

  1. Applicant information: Legal name and confirmation of your status (minor/Albertan).
  2. Contact information for the applicant or their designate.
  3. Applicant contact information: street and mailing address for the applicant.
  4. Project description: a brief project description (20 words), that includes the name of the educational program, and start and end dates of the training program.
  5. Applicant Agreement: this must be e-signed by the applicant or designate.


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of project or scholarship applications.

It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments listed below are submitted with the application.

Please submit the following attachments:

  1. A letter by the applicant of no more than two pages in length that:
    • introduces the applicant and outlines their previous experience in the visual arts
    • outlines the applicant's interest in the visual arts
    • describes how the applicant will use the scholarship to develop their visual arts practice should the application be successful
    • introduces the applicant's visual arts submission
  2. A resume or curriculum vitae of no more than two pages in length that focuses on the applicant's artistic activity.
  3. A detailed description of the applicant's chosen visual arts educational or training program(s). Please note:
    • applicants who have been accepted into a specific course must provide proof of acceptance and a detailed description and schedule for the training program or course of study
    • applicants who have not already been accepted into a course must submit a detailed description and schedule for the preferred choice, with two alternate program choices, including detailed descriptions and schedules for each choice
  4. A scanned copy of one of the following to provide legal proof of age:
    • certificate of birth
    • driver’s license
    • passport
    • certificate of Canadian citizenship
  5. A current and signed letter of reference, preferably from one of the following:
    • a high school, college or university instructor
    • a professionally produced or presented visual artist
    • another professional working in the visual arts 
  6. A one-page numbered inventory of all images submitted including title, medium, size, and year of execution, and in chronological order from the oldest to most recent work.
  7. A set of no more than 10 digital images of the applicant's work. Please note:
    • your file must be in PDF format and no larger than 4 MB in size
    • refer to the Helpful Resources section for instructions on how to prepare your images for upload
    • one media file sample is also permitted when applicable to your application

See "Format" below for submission guidelines


Wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB).

For files too large to include as attachments in GATE Front Office, they may be submitted via email to as attachments or downloadable links:

  • please format your subject line: <your first initial, last name and project number>, e.g. "H.Lee VIPG-56-172631" 
  • please ensure link contains downloadable files (MP3 or MP4 preferred)

Alternatively, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1:

  • please include your first initial, last name and project number on the CD or USB
  • support material must be submitted or postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date
  • if you require return of hard copy materials, please also include a self-addressed stamped envelope
How will my application be assessed?

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible scholarship applications submitted to each deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

Assessment of a scholarship application is based on the following general criteria:

  • the applicant's artistic ability based on the artistic merit of the visual arts submission
  • the merit and appropriateness of the proposed program(s) in the context of the applicant's visual arts goals and interests
  • the impact of the proposed program(s) on the artistic development of the applicant
  • the applicant's achievements and experience in the visual arts and the visual arts community to date

Funding is not assured for any application.

Learn more about expert panelsand how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.

When will I hear?

Successful recipients will be notified upon approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.

All applicants, successful and unsuccessful, will be notified of the outcome. No expert panel comments will be provided.

  1. Only one $7,000 scholarship is awarded each year.
  2. The scholarship will only be granted if the successful applicant can prove enrollment in an eligible training program identified in the applicant's scholarship application.
  3. Failure to prove enrollment within 60 days of the award date may result in cancellation of the scholarship.
  4. The AFA, or our authorized representative, may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the funding is being, or was, used for its intended purpose. 
  5. If you have previously received an AFA grant, you must have met reporting requirements in order to be eligible to receive subsequent funding from the AFA.

Within 60 days of the award date, you must provide confirmation of enrollment to the eligible training program identified in your application via email to

No other reporting requirements are associated with this scholarship. 

Helpful resources

The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Scholarship for the Visual Arts was established by the Government of Alberta in 2002, and updated in 2022, to commemorate the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne and her service to the Commonwealth.

For assistance with this scholarship application, please call the AFA at 780-427-9968 during regular business hours or email the Arts Development Consultant listed below. Toll-free calls can be made by first dialing 310.0000.

Other useful information

Deadline information

Visual Arts and New Media Individual Project Funding

Grant subtitle
This funding provides up to $18,000 to support a specific visual arts or new media project.
Recipient type
Art discipline
Preview image
Facebook title
Visual Arts and New Media
Facebook description
This funding provides up to $18,000 to support a specific visual arts or new media project.
Twitter title
Visual Arts and New Media
Twitter description
This funding provides up to $18,000 to support a specific visual arts or new media project.

This funding provides up to $18,000 to support development of individual Alberta artists, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists by providing funding for a specific visual arts or new media project.

Who can apply

Individual eligibility criteria

The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities, including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

To be eligible for individual project funding, you must be a resident of Alberta. This means you:

  • are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Person with an open work or study permit from inside Canada
  • have had your primary residence in Alberta for at least one full year before applying
  • ordinarily live in Alberta for a least six months of each year with the exception of attending a formal program of study

You must be in good standing with the AFA with no open or outstanding projects or reporting to apply. Previous grant recipients must ensure all final reporting has been approved by the AFA before new applications are accepted.

Applicants, including ensembles or collectives, must not be incorporated under either provincial or federal legislation.

Ensembles, collectives, and collaborations

Ensembles, collectives, and collaborations are eligible to apply to this program and must list all principal artists involved in the project activities as part of their application. All members of an ensemble, collective, or collaboration must meet the individual eligibility criteria.

Principal artists cannot apply and/or receive funding for multiple projects at the same time, whether as an individual or a member of various ensembles, collectives, or collaborations.


What does this funding support?

Please note, AFA funding is not assured for any project.

Eligible genres

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, eligible visual arts and new media projects include:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • printmaking
  • fibre art
  • ceramics
  • photography
  • fine craft
  • mixed media
  • installation art
  • public art
  • media and/or computer-assisted art

Types of projects

Through this opportunity, you may apply for project funding to support artistic activities in:

  • art production
  • marketing
  • research
  • training and career development

Art production includes the development, creation, and production of any visual arts work. Projects should be confined to a distinct phase of a work, such as:

  • artistic creation
  • exhibition
  • crating and shipping
  • creative residencies
  • curation

Alberta individual artists that have been contracted by commissioners to create a specific work are eligible to apply for project support through this funding opportunity.

Marketing includes a program of activity for a specific period that promotes, advertises or disseminates work created by Alberta visual artists, and/or develops audiences for the artist's work.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • attending an exhibition opening, visual arts festival, workshop or award presentation by invitation
  • projects that promote and market media art

Research includes a program of activity for a specific period of time that supports or results in the development of a visual arts/new media project.

Training and career development includes enrollment in a course or program of study designed to develop an artist's training in visual arts and new media, and/or arts  administration.

Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:

  • post-secondary study
  • workshops
  • master classes
  • retreats
  • mentorship programs

Eligible expenses

You can receive up to $18,000 to support your project. You may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses that are directly related to carrying out your proposed project.

These expenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • contracted artist and technician fees
  • commission fees
  • production, including materials and supplies that are appropriate for the development of the project
  • promotion and publicity
  • transportation and accommodation
  • tuition or training fees
  • royalties
  • administration and contract fees
  • basic living/subsistence expenses (housing, local transportation, food, childcare, dependent care) up to $3,000/month
  • other expenses and supplies considered by the AFA to be reasonable and necessary

Ineligible projects

Additional expenses and activities that are ineligible for AFA project funding include:

  • expenses for capital purchases, such as buildings or property, or for capital development, studio construction or renovations
  • expenses for equipment such as computers, software, cameras, lighting and audio equipment that can otherwise be rented and/or have a use beyond the life of your project
  • recreational training projects
  • thesis exhibitions, graduate films and other specific component activities undertaken as part of a course of study
  • applied arts such as gaming, architecture, interior design, commercial photography, graphic arts and design and/or fashion design
  • contracts for ongoing activities or artists pursuing projects similar in scope to usual activities with the commissioner
  • expenses already incurred prior to the application submission, including grant writer fees
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system. We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls. 

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA each deadline across all disciplines
  • the AFA does not accept incomplete applications
  • applications must be received prior to the commencement of the project
  • projects involving more than one artist must be submitted by one individual on behalf of the ensemble or group
    • we do not accept separate applications for the same project

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Email us at to get your login information at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please include:

  1. your legal name
  2. the funding opportunity to which you are applying
  3. your email address

Your username and password will be sent to the email address provided.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online formlets:

  • applicant information: Legal name and confirmation of your status (minor/Albertan)
  • if you are under the age of 18 years at the time of application, a parent or legal guardian must e-sign the Applicant Agreement as the designate for the funding, and be responsible for:
    • the completeness and accuracy of the application in full
    • receipt and use of funding
    • reporting on the use of funds
    • serving as contact person for any inquiries relating to the funding
  • contact information for primary applicant
    • ensembles must designate one contact person for all requirements of the grant as the primary applicant
    • this designated individual must e-sign the Applicant Agreement
  • applicant contact information: Street and mailing address for the primary applicant
  • general information: Confirmation of the application category (art production, marketing, research, or training/career development) and applicant status (individual/ensemble)
  • project description: A brief project description (20 words) and project start and end dates
  • principal artists: A listing of the principal artists involved in the project, their position or role, and confirmation of Alberta Residence
    • if you are single applicant, list yourself as artist 
  • individual applicant agreement: A declaration of agreement with the statement of conditions e-signed by the primary applicant or designate
  • project expenses: A listing of project expenditures in Canadian dollars
  • project revenue: A listing of non-AFA revenues in Canadian dollars
    • the difference between expenditures and revenues will comprise the grant request to the AFA with the funding not exceeding $18,000


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application according to project type.

Please submit the following attachments for all types of applications:

  • an artistic resume of no more than four pages that includes a list of exhibitions and other relevant artistic history
    • resumes of all principal artists involved in the project
  • Detailed project description, including an outline of the objectives, planned activities, timelines, and expected results and impact on the applicantʼs artistic development
    • in keeping with oral traditions, Indigenous project descriptions are welcome as oral submissions no longer than 3 minutes in length
    • for more information on how to submit oral project descriptions, contact the Arts Development Consultant for this program, prior to the application deadline, at the contact information below.
  • one complete file containing no more than 10 images of completed work done within the last five years
    • your file must be in PDF format and no larger than 4 MB in size
    • refer to the Helpful Resources section for instructions on how to prepare your images for upload
  • one media file sample is also permitted when applicable to your application (see format requirements below)

Please also submit the following attachments, as applicable:

  • commission applicants are encouraged to submit a completed and signed contract with the commissioner and a plan for the exhibition, presentation, display, publication, screening or performance of the commissioned work 
  • applicants who have been accepted into a specific course must provide proof of acceptance and a detailed description, schedule and budget for the training program or course of study
  • applicants who have not already been accepted into a course must submit a detailed description, schedule and budget for the preferred choice
    • two alternate program choices should be submitted, with detailed descriptions, schedules and budgets for each choice
  • official invitations, confirmations or itineraries
  • marketing plan
  • letter of reference
  • resumes for other principal artists
  • additional support materials that may assist in the assessment process
    • all additional support material should be scanned into a single file and attached to the online application

Applicants may be asked for additional information.


  • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible, MP3 and MP4 files are preferred
  • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE (up to 4 MB)
  • for video and audio files too large to include as attachments in GATE, they may be submitted via email to as email attachments or downloadable links
    • please format your subject line: <your first initial, last name and project number>, eg. "H.Lee VIPG-56-172631" 
    • please ensure link contains downloadable files (MP3 or MP4 preferred)
  • alternatively, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1
    • please include your first initial, last name and project number on the CD or USB
  • support material must be submitted or postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date
How will my application be assessed?

This funding is administered at the discretion of the AFA board on a project-by-project basis.

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted to each grant deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

 Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria:

  • the impact of the project on both the applicant and the artistic genre in Alberta
  • the artistic, educational or promotional merit of the project
  • the appropriateness of the project budget showing commitment from all partners as applicable
  • the ability of the applicant to carry out the proposed project

Assessment also takes into account the applicant's:

  • artistic and technical ability to carry out the proposed project
  • level of training, experience and expertise
  • performance and achievements to date
  • personal objectives

All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA board and all decisions are final. Funding is not assured for any project.

Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.

We gather general comments about the applications and share them on the Adjudication page. The expert panel does not record specific comments about individual applications.


Funding is intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to undertake the project as proposed in your original project description.

If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed if you accept the grant:

  • you must return the grant funds if the project cannot be completed as proposed

If you require a change to your project including outcomes, location or an extension to your final report due date:

  • you must submit a request in writing for approval by the AFA
  • the request must be submitted prior to the change being made and/or before your project completion date
  • the AFA may consider a single extension per funding opportunity

Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project:

  • you must return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • you must return unused portions of funding to the AFA

Any funding recipient who does not provide a report prior to the date noted in the successful notification document, or does not fulfill any conditions associated with a grant or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.

New applications will not be accepted until your previous project is completed and the final report is recieved and approved by the AFA.

Previous funding recipients must have met reporting requirements in order to be eligible to receive subsequent funding from the AFA.

The AFA, or our authorized representative, may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the funding is being, or was, used for its intended purpose. 

We require a complete and satisfactory final report submitted to GATE that demonstrates that funding was spend on the activities described in the application.

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print, or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.



In your final report, you must complete the following GATE Front Office formlets:

  • Individual Project Evaluation with a completed project outcomes questionnaire
  • Project Expenses with a complete and accurate financial accounting for final project expenses in comparison to the original budget submission
  • Project Revenues with a complete and accurate financial accounting for all revenues received for the project

Include the following mandatory attachments as part of your final report:

  • One of the following samples of work produced, performed, or created from the following list
    • submit one file of 1-10 visual images representative of your completed project
    • submit one audio file representative of your completed project
      • files must be no longer than 5 minutes in length, in MP3 or AAC format, and no larger than 8 MB in size
    • upload a list of work produced into GATE Front Office and submit one video file representative of your completed project as an attachment or link to a downloadable file to
      • files must be no longer than 5 minutes in length, in MP4, AVI, MOV, MPEG, or WMV format
      • please see Format section (above in How to apply) for detailed submission instructions, including how to submit video files when appropriate to your project reporting
  • if your project was for marketing, include proof of touring costs (i.e. receipts or itinerary) or sample of promotional material in lieu of visual, audio, or video sample
  • if your project was for training or career development, include your tuition receipt in lieu of visual, audio, or video sample

When applicable, include:

  • Samples of promotional materials related to the project, such as social media or website screenshots, posters, and/or programs showing funding credit to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts where appropriate
  • Samples of reviews, interviews, publications, or other media in which the project was mentioned
  • Other support material, if applicable, such a travel itinerary, confirmation of attendance at an event, invoices for studio time, other production costs, etc.
Helpful resources

Artists can now apply to the AFA for up to $18,000 to support their activities through the Individual Project Funding Opportunities. Learn more.

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • read application tips for individual artists that will help you write a stronger grant application
  • find tips for developing digital images to attach to your grant application

Working on your project budget? Download budget examples for Visual Art and New Media individual project funding  to help guide you.

You may wish to add video support materials to your application. Make sure your materials meet AFA technical requirements:

Project grant recommendations are made by Expert Panels. Their comments can be useful tips to help you improve your application.

Deadline information

Organization Activation Projects Funding

Grant subtitle
Funding to assist Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility arts projects for organizations
Recipient type
Preview image
Facebook title
Organization Activation Projects Funding
Facebook description
Funding to assist Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility arts projects for organizations
Twitter title
Organization Activation Projects Funding
Twitter description
Funding to assist Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility arts projects for organizations

The deadline for this funding opportunity has passed. This opportunity provides funding of up to $30,000 for emerging artist engagement projects in rural communities, including First Nations reserves and Metis Settlements, to cultivate the next generation of artists and address intergenerational gaps in professional development. Projects must occur outside of Alberta’s major urban centres.

Who can apply

The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

To be eligible for funding, applicants must be one of the following:

  • Not-for-profit organization, registered and operating in Alberta for at least one year, and in good standing under the appropriate legislation
  • First Nation or Métis Settlement in Alberta
  • Foundation established and regulated under Alberta’s Regional Health Authorities Act
  • University, college, or institute as recognized under Alberta’s Post-Secondary Learning Act

Eligible organizations must also:

  • Have at least 50% of the organization’s board members living in Alberta.
  • Deliver public arts and cultural programming in one or more of the following areas:
    • Self-created and self-produced work for public presentation in any arts discipline
    • Artist support, development, and training
    • Artistic presentation and public participation in any arts discipline that is open and available to the general public
    • Indigenous arts, culturally diverse arts programming, and arts programming that supports traditionally underserved communities
  • Demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, efficient administration practices and commitment to fiscal responsibility.
  • Demonstrate financial stability, in the judgment of the AFA, for at least one year prior to application.

Partnership projects

Two or more organizations that satisfy the eligibility criteria may apply to collaborate on a project. Multiple applications from separate organizations for aspects of the same project will not be accepted. Projects involving multiple partners must be consolidated and submitted by one lead organization.

Applicants are encouraged to consider projects between different partners (e.g. urban and rural, established arts organizations with new or emerging organizations, arts organizations with health, social services, immigrant settlement services, or Indigenous communities.)

Partnership projects must demonstrate that:

  • Control and responsibilities in the partnership are shared equally amongst all partners
  • Knowledge and practices will be shared and exchanged for the benefit of all project partners
  • The partnership results in activity that is beyond the normal programming of partnering organizations
  • The project could not be otherwise completed without the existence of the partnership

Ineligible applicants

Ineligible applicants are:

  • Municipalities
  • Commercial enterprises or for-profit organizations/companies
  • Schools
  • Organizations that are not arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or schools
  • Organizations that engage primarily in competition-based activity
  • Organizations that do not meet the eligibility criteria in the section above
  • Organizations with overdue or incomplete accounting/reporting with the AFA or the Ministry of Arts, Culture and Status of Women
What does this funding support?

New initiatives that engage emerging artists in rural Alberta communities and foster the next generation of artists by addressing gaps in professional development and promote:

  • developing relationships and increasing knowledge sharing between emerging artists (typically ages 16-35) and established artists and mentors
  • increasing accessibility to programs and opportunities for rural emerging artists residing in Alberta communities outside of major urban regions
  • supporting artistic disciplines, and/or customary Indigenous arts and cultural practices
  • supporting Equity, Diversity, Inclusion, and Accessibility (EDIA) of artists, communities, and audiences

Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that:

  • provide mentorship and pair experienced artists or arts professionals with emerging artists to provide professional development, guidance, support, and skill-building opportunities in their artistic pursuits
  • provide arts-related skill development to emerging artists though workshops, classes, or residencies in various artistic disciplines
  • support established mentors or facilitators to assist emerging artists to conceive, plan, and execute their own arts projects such as exhibitions, performances, festivals, or community arts initiatives
  • equip artists with the skills and abilities to market themselves in a region that may not likely have enough infrastructure to support development in their field
  • connect emerging artists with Elders, Knowledge Keepers, and/or other artists to share customary and/or contemporary artistic practices through community gatherings
  • build capacity for emerging artists to sustain their practice beyond the scope of the project itself, such as the development of marketing skills and strategies to promote work widely

Ineligible projects

  • activities eligible for funding, or already funded by other AFA project grant programs
  • programming that is already part of an organization's ongoing normal operations or artistic programming, i.e., proposed activities must be new initiatives
  • activities undertaken before an application is submitted to this project grant stream; projects must not start before the application is received by the AFA
  • post-secondary institution projects for curriculum-based or academic purposes
  • programs for core delivery of education, health and wellness, and social services
  • activities in the areas of applied arts (culinary, architecture, interior design, graphic arts, commercial photography, gaming, fashion design, tattooing, etc.), commercial variety acts (face painting, balloon entertainers, fireworks/pyrotechnics, hypnotism, etc.)
  • competitive performances or activities
  • cultural industry activities (for example, book and magazine publishing, sound recording activities, broadcasting/podcasting)
  • activities presented as part of primarily social events, including, but not limited to, fundraisers, rodeos, stampedes, grandstand performances, trade fairs, parades, meals, conventions, community dances, and student union cabarets

Eligible expenses

The maximum grant available will not exceed $30,000. Applicants may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses that are verifiable and directly related to carrying out the proposed project.

Eligible project expenses include any combination of the following:

  • costs associated with the above listed activities over and above normal operations
  • external consultation, contract costs, commissioning fees, and artist/mentor fees associated with project execution
  • Elder, Knowledge Keeper, and/or cultural advisor honoraria and gifts as appropriate
  • project related materials and supplies (i.e., art materials, hospitality excluding alcohol)
  • venue and equipment rental costs
  • event or activity marketing and promotion costs
  • project-related travel and accommodation for artists, mentors, or participants
  • other expenses considered by the AFA to be reasonable and necessary

Ineligible expenses

Expenses and activities that are ineligible for funding include, but are not limited to:

  • permanent or existing staff positions, including prorated salaries and/or time of existing staff allocated to the project expenses
  • capital expenditures for the purchase of buildings or property or for capital development such as construction or renovations
  • capital expenditures for purchase of office furniture and/or equipment such as computers, technology, lighting, audio, etc., that can otherwise be rented and/or has a use beyond the life of the project
  • mortgage payments, amortization, and/or loan payments, bad debt, other paper losses, or debt reduction
  • expenditures already funded through other Government of Alberta grant programs
How to apply

The deadline for this funding opportunity has passed.

The AFA only accepts applications through the Front Office portal of the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) online application system. The AFA must receive online applications no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process the submission so the AFA receives notification before the deadline closes.

The AFA does not accept:

  • applications received after 11:59 p.m. on the deadline
  • incomplete applications
  • applications for projects or activities that commenced prior to submission
  • more than one application from an organization per deadline, either solely or as a partnership
  • multiple applications from separate organizations for aspects of the same project; projects involving multiple partners must consolidated and submitted by one primary organization

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to, quoting the funding opportunity or grant program to which you are applying.

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in the application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • Contact List: Includes the primary and secondary contacts for your application and signing authority for your organization
  • Applicant Contact Information: Includes street and mailing address
  • Organization Information: Includes the organization’s legal name and Alberta Registration number and incorporation date (when applicable), and fiscal year-end
  • Project Description: Includes a brief project description (20 words maximum) and project start and completion dates
  • Organization Applicant Agreement: Includes the name and position of your legal signing authority
  • Current Board List: Includes names, titles, mailing address, contact information, and start dates for all current board members; for First Nations or Metis Settlements includes governing council
  • Project Expenses: Categorized by expense type with brief descriptions and cost breakdowns in Canadian dollars
  • Project Revenues: List of all non-AFA revenues contributing to your project, including own-source, and status of funds, in Canadian dollars
    • the difference between expenditures and revenues will comprise the grant request to the AFA and cannot exceed $30,000


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission as they may only be required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all relevant attachments to their project proposal are submitted with the application.

The applicant will be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • detailed description of the project, including an outline of the objectives, planned activities, and timelines
    • an explicit explanation of the benefits resulting from this funding is strongly encouraged as part of your detailed description.
    • ensure that the project description thoroughly addresses all assessment criteria outlined below (“How will my application be assessed” section)
  • organization’s most recent annual financial statements with balance sheet, statement of revenues and expenditures, and statement of cash flows
    • for partnership projects, the lead applicant must collate financial statements from all participating organizations
    • these must be uploaded as one file into the attachments
  • proof of filing with AB Corporate Registry
  • when applicable:
    • itineraries and travel confirmations
    • marketing plan
    • partnership agreement, contract, or memorandum of understanding indicating the responsibilities of each partner
    • additional support items that may assist in the assessment process including, but not limited to, promotional literature, programs, or newsletters

Should you wish to submit audio-visual support material, please contact the Arts Development Consultant responsible for this program for detailed instructions.

How will my application be assessed?

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria:

  • Needs Assessment: demonstrated needs assessment that identifies the gaps or barriers in support and professional development for emerging artists within the region or community where the programming takes place
  • Project Merit: merit and clarity of strategies the organization will use to train, develop, and mentor emerging artists to foster self-sufficiency within the community
  • Project Impact: long-term impact of the project on both emerging artists and the organization’s future capacity and growth
  • Applicant Ability: ability of the applicant to carry out the proposed project, including programming and achievements to date
  • Project Budget: appropriateness of the project budget, including evidence of in-kind and/or financial contributions from the applicant, when applicable

All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA and all decisions are final.

Funding is not assured for any project

When will I hear?

Applicants will be notified in writing of the result of their application within four months of the application deadline.


Funding is intended for the purposes described in the application. By accepting funding, the organization agrees to undertake the project as proposed in the original project description.

If the organization does not receive the full grant amount requested, it is still required to complete the project as proposed if the organizations accepts the grant.

  • the organization must return grant funds if the project cannot be completed as proposed

If the organization requires a change to the project including outcomes or an extension to the final report due date:

  • it must submit a request in writing for approval by the AFA
  • the request must be submitted to the consultant responsible for this program PRIOR to the change being made and/or before the project completion date
  • the AFA will consider a single extension per project

Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project. The AFA requires a complete and satisfactory final report submitted through GATE Front Office that demonstrates funding was spent on the activities described in the application. The organization must:

  • return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • return unused portions of funding to the AFA

Any funding recipient who does not provide a report by the date noted in the successful notification document, does not fulfill any conditions associated with the grant, or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.The AFA will retain all materials submitted with grant applications.

The AFA or its authorized representative may examine a grant recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the grant has been used for its intended purpose.

Funding acknowledgement

Organizations must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage on our website.

Failure to satisfy the AFA recognition requirements may result in the cancellation of the grant and the requirement to return all of the funding.


A final report is due on the date noted in the successful notification document, typically 60 days from the project completion date set by the applicant. The final report must be submitted through GATE Front Office and demonstrate funding was spent on the activities described in the application.

The final report must include:

  • Project Expenses: A complete and accurate financial accounting for the project based on the original budget submission
  • Project Revenue: A complete and accurate financial accounting of all non-AFA revenues contributed to the project

Reporting attachments

The organization will be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • description of the results of the project, with an evaluation of its success in relation to the original objectives and outreach as stated in the application
  • copies of promotional and publicity material demonstrating AFA funding recognition
  • support materials such as reviews, publications, invitations and/or catalogues in which projects are mentioned, when applicable
Helpful resources

Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to download the GATE Front Office User Guide.

Find more information on how the AFA adjudicates project grants

Learn more about the AFA and EDIA

Deadline information

Arts Presenting Project Funding

Grant subtitle
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.
Select staff contact
Recipient type
Preview image
Facebook title
Arts Presenting Project Funding
Facebook description
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.
Twitter title
Arts Presenting Project Funding
Twitter description
Funding supporting the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of fees.

This funding supports the public presentation of professional artists by reimbursing a portion of professional artists' fees for the preceding year. 

Who can apply

To be eligible for this funding, applicants must be one of the following:

  • registered not-for-profit organizations
  • churches
  • library boards
  • Indian Bands as defined by the Indian Act R.S.C. 1985, C.I-5
  • Métis Settlements recognized under the Métis Settlements Act R.S.A. 2000, C.M14
  • organizations registered under the Agriculture Societies Act
  • organizations recognized under the Post-Secondary Institutions Act (by Faculty or Department)

Organizations must also:

  • be registered and in good standing in Alberta under the appropriate legislation for at least one year prior to the deadline
  • be in good standing with the AFA with no outstanding reporting requirements
  • have been in operation for at least one full year prior to the deadline
  • have at least 50 percent of the organization's board members, or ruling council, living in the community or region where the presentations are given
  • demonstrate adherence to good governance principles, effective administration practices and commitment to fiscal responsibility
  • demonstrate financial stability, in the judgment of the AFA, for at least one year
  • operate as a stand-alone organization at arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises or schools 
  • be the primary organizer and producer of the event by directly paying professional artists and/or artist-affiliated organizations (for example: artist managers or booking agents) for professional artist fees
  • have a policy of presenting at least three different touring professional artists during the twelve-month period from November 15 to November 14, immediately prior to the grant deadline
    • organizations based in rural areas with a population of less than 3,000 may apply even if fewer than three artists are presented

Partnerships between not-for-profit organizations based in the same region must apply through one primary organization. Organizations with branches or separate offices in the same municipality may submit only one application.

Post-secondary institutions may submit one application per department or faculty.

Ineligible applicants

The following organizations are ineligible for this funding:

  • municipalities
  • commercial enterprises
  • schools
  • groups that are not arm’s length from municipalities, commercial enterprises, or schools
  • organizations that are eligible for operating funding under another AFA grant stream
  • organizations that engage primarily in competition-based activity

Event partners and sponsors may not apply on behalf of the event producer, commercial organizations or other for-profit entities.

What does this funding support?

Eligible events

Events that are eligible for this funding are:

  • events that present professional touring artists who regularly tour outside their place of residence in the following arts disciplines:
    • performing arts includes music, dance, theatre, circus arts and spoken word
    • visual and new media arts includes drawing, painting, sculpture, printmaking, clay, glass, wood, metal, fibre and new media
    • film and video arts
    • literary arts includes fiction, literary non-fiction, poetry, screenwriting and playwriting
  • events where arts presentations, performances, readings, or exhibitions are the primary reason for the event
  • events that are available to the public through season tickets, or casual sales or free admission
  • events that at least three different touring professional artists between November 15 and November 14, immediately prior to the grant deadline
  • original live streaming events, occurring after March 12, 2020, presented through online channels or resources

Eligible artists

Grants awarded through this grant stream are based on eligible fees paid to professional artists (excluding GST). Professional artists are defined as artists that:

  • are compensated at an industry standard for their art (example: union or nationally recognized rate)
  • fulfill at least 2 of the following:
    • are recognized by the public and by their peers for their art, and have received industry recognition
    • are actively marketing their work to professional booking agents, venues and galleries
    • present, perform and/or exhibit their art for compensation on a regular basis
    • have specialized training in their field
    • have membership to a nationally or provincially recognized industry or other professional organization (e.g. ACTRA, AFM, Canadian Actors Equity Association, CARFAC, IMAA, WGC, Writers Union of Canada, etc.)
    • has received royalties or residual payments on their copyrighted works

Eligible expenses

Only fees paid directly by the applicant to the artist are eligible for consideration under this grant stream. Eligible expenses include:

  • presentation fees
  • performance fees
  • public reading fees
  • artist and curator fees for exhibition
  • screening fees
  • lectures and panel discussions by the creator, director, producer, or representative of film and video works (film festivals only)
  • transportation and accommodation for the above activities

An organization may claim artist fees for up to three presentations by the same artist or artistic act presented during the eligible grant period.

Ineligible projects

Ineligible events and activities include:

  • activities already funded through other Government of Alberta programs
  • curriculum based activities
  • pre-recorded events for distribution through online channels or resources
  • repeat presentation of previous live streamed events
  • activities related to conferences or workshops
  • competitive performances
  • entertainment or arts activity presented as part of primarily social events, including but not limited to:
    • fundraisers
    • rodeos
    • stampedes
    • grandstand performances
    • trade fairs
    • parades
    • meals
    • conventions
    • community dances
    • student union cabarets
  • activities by board members, full-time faculty, sessionals, or staff at post-secondary institutions

Ineligible expenses

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, the following fees are ineligible for project support:

  • for staff, board members, resident acts or house bands
  • for those practicing applied arts, including but not limited to:
    • culinary arts
    • architecture
    • interior design
    • graphic arts
    • commercial photography
    • gaming
    • fashion design
  • for commercial variety acts, including but not limited to:
    • face painting
    • balloon entertainers
    • fireworks/pyrotechnics
    • hypnotism
How to apply

We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.

We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls. Applications received after 11:59 p.m. of the deadline date will be considered at the next deadline.

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA each deadline
  • the AFA does not accept incomplete applications
  • projects involving more than one organization must be submitted by the primary applicant organization; separate organization applications will not be accepted for the same project

GATE Front Office username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to

GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.

What to include in your application

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.

GATE Front Office online forms

  • applicant contact information, including street and mailing address
  • contact list, including primary and secondary contact persons and signing authority designate for the application 
  • the organization’s registration details, including organization’s registered name, Alberta Registration number and incorporation date
  • an applicant agreement with e-signature of signing authority designate for the organization
  • a completed Statistical Report 
  • a listing of all current board members include the names, positions, addresses, telephone numbers, fax numbers, and e-mail addresses
  • total number of events, artists, artist fees paid from Arts Presenting worksheet


The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application.

You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:

  • Arts Presenting calculation worksheet
  • copies of all promotional materials related to the event, such as posters and programs, demonstrating compliance with AFA funding acknowledgement conditions (see "Conditions" below)
    • do not submit press clippings or videos
  • the organization's most recent annual financial statement with Balance Sheet, Statement of Revenues and Expenditures, and Statement of Cash Flows
  • a confirmation of filing of the organization's most recent annual return from Alberta Corporate Registry
  • for presentations that include public screening of film and video media, please attach written evidence of compliance with film classification regulations as outlined in the Film and Video Classification Act

Applicants may be asked for additional information.


  • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible
  • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB)
  • if your support material is too large to upload, please mail a hard copy to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1
    • please include your first name, last name and project number
    • support material sent by mail must be postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date
How will my application be assessed?

Arts Presenting funding and funding maximums are established annually by the AFA board of Directors. The annual AFA budget is based upon funds allocated in the annual Government of Alberta budget. 

This grant is calculated by formula.

  • up to 65% of fees paid to Alberta artists. Ensemble members may not be separated out and residency is determined by majority of ensemble members
  • up to 50% of fees paid to Canadian artists from the rest of Canada
  • up to 50% of fees paid to International artists to a maximum of 1/3 of the eligible Canadian/Alberta subsidy. International children's artists are exempt from the restriction. Children's artists are those who primarily play to audiences where over 50% of the audience is under the age of 16 years

Staff evaluate applications according to the program grant stream criteria and prepare recommendations to the AFA board.

 Available funds are equitably distributed to all eligible applicants according to a formula.

 Funding is not assured for any project. All decisions are final.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.


The AFA will retain all materials submitted with funding applications. The AFA or our authorized representative may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that all claimed expenses were undertaken as outlined in the funding application. 

The AFA may cancel, suspend, reduce or demand repayment of funding in circumstances where the AFA is concerned with the viability of an organization as per the AFA Fair Notice policy.

The AFA does not provide advances for any grant.

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.

A minimum reduction of 10% will be applied to the subsequent grant of any organization that does not satisfy the AFA recognition requirements.


Reporting is not required for Arts Presenting project funding.

Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • find additional resources for organizations

You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application:

Please note that the Arts Presenting Artist fees and financial statement confirmation form is no longer required to complete your grant application. 

Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:


Deadline information

ISCP Residency in New York Funding

Grant subtitle
This funding supports one three-month residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program.
Recipient type
Art discipline
Preview image
Facebook title
ISCP Residency in New York Funding
Facebook description
This funding supports one three-month residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program.
Twitter title
ISCP Residency in New York Funding
Twitter description
This funding supports one three-month residency at the International Studio & Curatorial Program.

This funding supports the development of individual Alberta visual and new media artists and curators by providing up to $15,000 for one three-month residency (April 1 - June 30) per year at the International Studio & Curatorial Program in Brooklyn, New York.

This funding opportunity is a subsection of our Visual Arts and New Media Individual Project funding opportunity.

Who can apply

The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities, including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.

To be eligible for individual project funding, you must be a resident of Alberta. This means you:

  • are a Canadian citizen, permanent resident, or Protected Person with an open work or study permit from inside Canada
  • have had your primary residence in Alberta for at least one full year before applying
  • ordinarily live in Alberta for a least six months of each year with the exception of attending a formal program of study

Ensembles and collectives are eligible if they are made up of members who meet the individual criteria:

  • applicants, including ensembles, must not be incorporated under either provincial or federal legislation

You must be in good standing with the AFA with no open or outstanding projects or reporting requirement to apply.

Applicants can only receive this grant once during their career.

What does this funding support?

Please note, AFA funding is not assured for any project.

Eligible genres

For the purposes of this funding opportunity, eligible visual arts and new media may include:

  • drawing
  • painting
  • sculpture
  • printmaking
  • fibre art
  • ceramics
  • photography
  • fine craft
  • mixed media
  • installation art
  • public art
  • media and/or computer assisted art

Types of projects

Through this opportunity, you may apply for project funding to support artistic activities in:

  • art production
  • curatorial production

Art production includes the development, creation, and production of any visual arts work.

Curatorial includes research activities that support or result in the development of a visual arts or new media project.

Eligible expenses

You can receive up to $15,000 to support your residency. You may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses that are directly related to carrying out your residency.

These expenses may include, but are not limited to:

  • residency costs
  • international transportation
  • local transportation and accommodation
  • food, sundries and per diems
  • other expenses and supplies considered by the AFA to be reasonable and necessary

Ineligible expenses

Additional expenses and activities that are ineligible for AFA project funding include:

  • expenses for equipment such as computers, software, cameras, lighting and audio equipment that can otherwise be rented and/or have a use beyond the life of your project
  • applied arts such as gaming, architecture, interior design, commercial photography, graphic arts and design and/or fashion design
  • expenses already incurred prior to the application submission, including grant writer fees
How to apply

We only accept applications through Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) online application system. We must receive your online application through GATE no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.

  • applicants may submit only one application to the AFA for this deadline
    • applicants who choose to submit for the ISCP Residency are not allowed to submit another project grant submission at the same time
  • the AFA does not accept incomplete applications
  • applications must be submitted prior to the commencement of the project

GATE username registration

First-time applicants will require a GATE username and password. Email us at to get your GATE login informationat least five business days prior to the application deadline.

Please include:

  1. your legal name
  2. the funding opportunity to which you are applying
  3. your email addressa

Your GATE user name and password will be sent to the email address provided.

For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE user guide for this funding opportunity.

GATE online forms

  • applicant information: legal name and confirmation of your status (minor/Albertan)
  • if you are under the age of 18 years at the time of application, a parent or legal guardian must e-sign the Applicant Agreement as the designate for the funding, and be responsible for:
    • the completeness and accuracy of the application in full
    • receipt and use of funding
    • reporting on the use of funds
    • serving as contact person for any inquiries relating to the funding
  • contact information for primary applicant
  • applicant contact information: Street and mailing address for the primary applicant
  • general information: Confirmation of the application category as “Art Production”
  • project description: a brief project description (20 words) titled “ISCP New York Residency - (Last Name)” and project start and end dates of April 1 and June 30 for the upcoming year
  • principal artists: list yourself as an artist
  • individual applicant agreement: A declaration of agreement with the statement of conditions e-signed by the primary applicant or designate
  • project budget: A project budget detailing expenditures and non-AFA revenues in Canadian dollars The difference between expenditures and revenues will comprise the grant request to the AFA and cannot exceed $15,000.
  • project expenses: A listing of project expenditures in Canadian dollars
  • project revenue: A listing of non-AFA revenues in Canadian dollars
    • the difference between expenditures and revenues will comprise the grant request to the AFA with the funding not exceeding $15,000


The GATE attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application.

Please submit the following attachments:

  • an artistic resume of no more than four pages that includes a list of exhibitions and other relevant artistic history
  • a detailed description of the project, including an outline of the objectives, planned activities, timelines, and expected results and impact on the applicant’s artistic development
    • in keeping with oral traditions, project descriptions are welcome as oral submissions no longer than 3 minutes in length
  • one complete file containing no more than 10 images of completed work done within the last five years
    • your file must be in PDF format and no larger than 4MB in size
    • refer to Helpful Resources section for instructions on how to prepare your images for upload
    • one media file sample is also permitted when applicable to your application (see Format requirements below)

Applicants may be asked for additional information.


  • all video and audio files must be Windows compatible, MP3 and MP4 files are preferred
  • wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE (up to 4 MB)
  • for video and audio files too large to include as attachments in GATE, they may be submitted via email to as email attachments or downloadable links
    • please format your subject line: <your first initial, last name and project number> , eg. "H.Lee VIPG-56-172631"
    • please ensure link contains downloadable files (MP3 or MP4 preferred)
  • alternately, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1
    • please include your first initial, last name and project number on the CD or USB
  • support material must be submitted or postmarked no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date
How will my application be assessed?

This funding is administered at the discretion of the AFA board on a project-by-project basis.

Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted to each grant deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.

 Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria:

  • the impact of the project on both the applicant and the artistic genre in Alberta
  • the artistic, educational or promotional merit of the project
  • the appropriateness of the project budget showing commitment from all partners as applicable
  • the ability of the applicant to carry out the proposed project

Assessment also takes into account the applicant's:

  • artistic and technical ability to carry out the proposed project
  • level of training, experience and expertise
  • performance and achievements to date
  • personal objectives

All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA board and all decisions are final. Funding is not assured for any project.

Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.

When will I hear?

Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.

We gather general comments about the applications and share them on the Adjudication page. The expert panel does not record specific comments about individual applications.


Funding is intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to undertake the project as proposed in your original project description.

If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed if you accept the grant:

  • you must return the grant funds if the project cannot be completed as proposed

If you require a change to your project including outcomes, location or an extension to your final report due date:

  • you must submit a request in writing for approval by the AFA
  • the request must be submitted prior to the change being made and/or before your final report is due
  • the AFA may consider a single extension per funding opportunity

Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project:

  • you must return funds if reporting requirements are not met
  • you must return unused portions of funding to the AFA

New applications will not be accepted until your previous project is completed and the final report is received and approved by the AFA.

Any funding recipient who does not provide a report prior to the date noted in the successful notification document, does not fulfill any conditions associated with a grant, or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.

The AFA, or our authorized representative, may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the funding is being, or was, used for its intended purpose. 

We require a complete and satisfactory final report submitted to GATE that demonstrates that funding was spend on the activities described in the application.

Funding acknowledgement

Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print, or visual material.

Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.



In your final report, please include:

  • a completed project outcomes questionnaire
  • a complete and accurate financial accounting for the project based on the original budget submission

And, when applicable:

  • copies of promotional materials related to the project, such as posters and programs showing funding credit to the Alberta Foundation for the Arts where appropriate
  • a copy of the work produced
    • still images must be uploaded in GATE as an attachment
    • all Visual Arts and New Media projects require images of the work created, produced, exhibited, or presented, as part of the final report
  • any reviews, publications, invitations and/or catalogues in which the project is mentioned
  • a travel itinerary, confirmation of attendance at an event, conference or course of study
Helpful resources

Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:

  • download the new Front Office User Guide
  • read application tips for individual artists that will help you write a stronger grant application
Deadline information