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The world premiere of Shumka's UKRAINKA: The Four Faces of Lesya Ukrainka celebrates the renowned Ukrainian artist, storyteller, poet, and humanitarian.
Lesya Ukrainka led a troubled life suffering from medical ailments that limited her physically, she lived vicariously through her art. She is a legend among the Ukrainian diaspora, and as a woman, is especially inspiring in a patriarchal culture.
Shumka’s newest production focuses on the “four faces” of Lesya Ukrainka – the dreamer, the traditionalist, the lover, and the leader. Her hope for Ukraine’s independence in a series of troubled times is as poignant as ever today.
Shumka's UKRAINKA: The Four Faces of Lesya Ukrainka World Premiere
Shumka's UKRAINKA: The Four Faces of Lesya Ukrainka World Premiere
Shumka's UKRAINKA: The Four Faces of Lesya Ukrainka World Premiere
The AFA is supporting a two-year research project conducted by Stone-Olafson on current engagement of arts audiences in Alberta. We are pleased to share the second set of results ("Wave 2").
This work was developed for the arts sector exclusively and is designed to provide specific, relevant, and reliable facts to support the leaders in the arts sector as they seek to understand their audiences and grow attendance.
Watch the team from Stone-Olafson report on the findings from the first wave of research in the Spotlight on Arts Audiences project
The AFA has partnered with the Rozsa Foundation, Calgary Arts Development, Calgary Foundation, Edmonton Arts Council, and Edmonton Community Foundation, to support the Spotlight on Arts Audiences research project. The work will survey arts-inclined audiences in Calgary, Edmonton, and across the province to provide data that is useful and timely for arts leaders and organizations three times per year over the next two years.
Second set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences. Watch a presentation of the report.
Second set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences. Watch a presentation of the report.
Second set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences. Watch a presentation of the report.
Today's International Dance Day! Established in 1982 by UNESCO International Theatre Institute, International Dance Day falls on April 29 every year.
Today is International Dance Day! Established in 1982 by UNESCO International Theatre Institute, International Dance Day falls on April 29 of every year, commemorating the birthday of Jean-Georges Noverre, a distinguished choreographer that brought about significant reforms in ballet production.
Stages across Alberta have been empty for the past year as the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has continued to shutter performance venues here and around the world. But dance is still taking place in our province! Resourceful dance companies have turned to performances broadcast online, and if you haven’t tuned in to one of these online performances, we highly encourage you to do so. Alberta Dance Alliance has a calendar of dance-related events – check it out: abdancealliance.ab.ca/dancelink-calendar/.
Read inspiring messages from International Dance Day Ambassadors here: cda-acd.ca/en/programs-services/international-dance-day/2021.
We'd like to share an image from our art collection that depicts a dance style that seems almost synonymous with Alberta - Ukrainian dance! – as seen here in Carole Bondaroff’s Performance Suite – Shumka Dance.
Happy International Dance Day!
The AFA is supporting a two-year research project conducted by Stone-Olafson on current engagement of arts audiences in Alberta. We are pleased to share the first set of results ("Wave 1").
This work was developed for the arts sector exclusively and is designed to provide specific, relevant, and reliable facts to support the leaders in the arts sector as they seek to understand their audiences and grow attendance.
Watch the team from Stone-Olafson report on the findings from the first wave of research in the Spotlight on Arts Audiences project
The AFA has partnered with the Rozsa Foundation, Calgary Arts Development, Calgary Foundation, Edmonton Arts Council, and Edmonton Community Foundation, to support the Spotlight on Arts Audiences research project. The work will survey arts-inclined audiences in Calgary, Edmonton, and across the province to provide data that is useful and timely for arts leaders and organizations three times per year over the next two years.
First set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences. Watch a presentation of the report.
First set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences.
First set of results of a long-term study on understanding Alberta arts audiences.
This week's Work of the Week is "Opening Night" by Petr Honcu.
This week's Work of the Week is Opening Night by Petr Honcu.
On this day 128 years ago, one of the most famous ballets in the world had its opening night in St. Petersburg, Russia! Now a holiday tradition in many countries, including Canada, The Nutcracker made its debut on December 18, 1892. It was choreographed by Marius Petipa and Lev Ivanov with a score by Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky.
In Canada, the National Ballet of Canada has been performing The Nutcracker for nearly 70 years! Learn more about the history of the National Ballet of Canada performing The Nutcracker.
Closer to home, the Alberta Ballet has made The Nutcracker a holiday tradition in our province for the past several years now. While you won't be able to see the Alberta Ballet's annual performance of The Nutcracker this year due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you can still enjoy this short film featuring Alberta Ballet Dancer Jennifer Gibson as The Sugar Plum Fairy.
One scholarship of $7,000 will be awarded annually by the Government of Alberta to a young Albertan performing artist who shows extraordinary talent and potential and who demonstrates clear educational or training goals.
NOTE: One scholarship will be awarded to one of the performing arts eligible for this program in a three-year annual rotation: music, theatre, and dance. The 2025 deadline is for theatre applicants.
You must be enrolled in an eligible training program to receive this scholarship.
Eligible performing arts programs that will be accepted for assessment of educational or training merit are the following:
Graduate programs or their equivalents are ineligible for consideration.
For the purposes of this scholarship program, eligible performing arts disciplines or genres that will be accepted for assessment of artistic merit are any discipline or genre within music, theatre, and dance .
We only accept applications through Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.
We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.
Please note:
We do not accept separate applications for the same project.
First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Email us at registrationafa@gov.ab.ca to obtain your login information at least five business days prior to the application deadline.
Please include:
Your user name and password will be sent to the email address provided.
If an applicant is under the age of 18 years at the time of application, a parent or legal guardian must e-sign the Applicant Agreement in GATE Front Office as the designate for the scholarship.
As the designate, you are responsible for:
Your application will include online forms to complete and attachments you must upload to your application.
Please note that applicants may be asked for additional information to determine eligibility or any other program requirements.
The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of project or scholarship applications.
It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments listed below are submitted with the application.
Please submit the following attachments:
The following applicants must submit a resume, portfolio, and/or audio recordings containing work samples:
Wherever possible, support material should be uploaded as an attachment into GATE Front Office (up to 4 MB)
For files too large to include as attachments in GATE Front Office, they may be submitted via email to danceAFA@gov.ab.ca as attachments or downloadable links:
Alternatively, please mail a hard copy CD or USB to 10708 – 105 Ave, Edmonton, AB, T5H 0A1:
Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible scholarship applications submitted to each deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.
Assessment of a scholarship application is based on the following general criteria:
Funding is not assured for any application.
Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.
Successful recipients will be notified upon approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.
All applicants, successful and unsuccessful, will be notified of the outcome. No expert panel comments will be provided.
Within 60 days of the award date, you must provide confirmation of enrollment to the eligible training program identified in your application via email to danceAFA@gov.ab.ca.
No other reporting requirements are associated with this scholarship.
The Queen's Platinum Jubilee Scholarship for the Performing Arts was established by the Government of Alberta in 2002, and updated in 2022, to commemorate the accession of Queen Elizabeth II to the throne and her service to the Commonwealth.
For assistance with this scholarship application, please call the AFA at 780-427-9968 during regular business hours or email the Arts Development Consultant listed below. Toll-free calls can be made by first dialing 310.0000.
This funding provides up to $18,000 to support the development of individual Alberta artists, arts administrators, or an ensemble of artists by providing funding for a specific dance project.
The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities, including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
To be eligible for individual project funding, you must be a resident of Alberta. This means you:
You must be in good standing with the AFA with no open or outstanding projects or reporting to apply. Previous grant recipients must ensure all final reporting has been approved by the AFA before new applications are accepted.
Applicants, including ensembles or collectives, must not be incorporated under either provincial or federal legislation.
Ensembles, collectives, and collaborations are eligible to apply to this program and must list all principal artists involved in the project activities as part of their application. All members of an ensemble, collective, or collaboration must meet the individual eligibility criteria.
Principal artists cannot apply and/or receive funding for multiple projects at the same time, whether as an individual or a member of various ensembles, collectives, or collaborations.
Please note, AFA funding is not assured for any project.
Through this opportunity, you may apply for project funding to support artistic activities in:
Art production includes the development, creation and production of any dance work.
Marketing includes a program of activity for a specific period of time that promotes or advertises work created by Alberta dance artists, and/or develops audiences for the artist's work.
Research includes a program of activity for a specific period of time that supports or results in the development of a dance project.
Training and career development includes enrollment in a course or program of study designed to develop an artist's training in dance, including related performing arts disciplines, and/or performing arts administration.
Eligible projects include, but are not limited to:
You can receive up to $18,000 to support your project. You may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses that are directly related to carrying out your proposed project. These expenses may include, but are not limited to:
Expenses and activities that are ineligible for AFA project funding include:
We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system. We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.
We do not accept separate applications for the same project.
First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Email us at registrationafa@gov.ab.ca to get your login information at least five business days prior to the application deadline.
Please include:
Your username and password will be sent to the email address provided.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.
The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission. This is because they are only required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure that all attachments noted in the guidelines are submitted with their application according to project type.
Please submit the following attachments:
Applicants may be asked for additional information.
This funding is administered at the discretion of the AFA board on a project-by-project basis.
Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted to each grant deadline. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.
Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria:
Assessment also takes into account the applicant's:
All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA board and all decisions are final. Funding is not assured for any project.
Learn more about expert panels and how the AFA adjudicates funding requests for all programs.
Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.
We gather general comments about the applications and share them on the Adjudication page. The expert panel does not record specific comments about individual applications.
Funding is intended for the purposes described in your application. By accepting funding, you agree to undertake the project as proposed in your original project description.
If you do not receive the full grant amount requested, you are still required to complete the project as proposed if you accept the grant:
If you require a change to your project including outcomes, location or an extension to your final report due date:
Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project:
Any funding recipient who does not provide a report prior to the date noted in the successful notification document, or does not fulfill any conditions associated with a grant or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.
New applications will not be accepted until your previous project is completed and the final report is received and approved by the AFA.
Previous funding recipients must have met reporting requirements in order to be eligible to receive subsequent funding from the AFA.
The AFA, or our authorized representative, may examine a funding recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the funding is being, or was, used for its intended purpose.
We require a complete and satisfactory final report submitted to GATE that demonstrates that funding was spend on the activities described in the application.
Whenever possible, you must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print, or visual material.
In your final report, you must complete the following GATE Front Office formlets:
Include the following mandatory attachments as part of your final report:
When applicable, include:
Artists can now apply to the AFA for up to $18,000 to support their activities through the Individual Project Funding Opportunities. Learn more.
Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:
Working on your project budget? Download budget examples for dance individual project funding to help guide you.
You may upload video support materials to your application.
Project grant recommendations are made by Expert Panels. Their comments can be useful tips to help you improve your application.
This grant provides annual funding to eligible not-for-profit community organizations that self-create and self-produce performing art productions.
To be eligible for Community Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must:
Your organization must:
Organizations that are engaged primarily in competition-based activity are not eligible for AFA funding.
If this is your organization’s first application for AFA Community Performing Arts Organizations operating funding, you must contact the AFA at least three months before the deadline for a preliminary eligibility assessment.
As a first-time applicant, your organization must provide approved financial statements that demonstrate the organization has positive net assets for the two annual fiscal periods immediately prior to application.
This funding is designed to support your organization’s operations, which are specific to your organization’s mandate, strategic and/or business plan and activities as described in your application and/or reporting.
AFA operating funding typically supports expenses such as:
We only accept applications through the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) Front Office online application system.
We must receive your online application through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so that the AFA receives notification of your submission before the deadline falls.
First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.
Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to registrationAFA@gov.ab.ca.
GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.
Attachments must be developed prior to application, using either original documents specific to your organization or preformatted AFA templates, and uploaded to your online GATE Front Office submission.
You’ll be required to complete and upload the following attachments:
Funding awarded through this opportunity is calculated based on Community Derived Revenue (CDR). CDR is defined as an organization’s total annual revenue minus all federal, provincial and municipal government grants. Your organization’s CDR is then divided by the sum of the CDRs for all eligible Community Performing Arts Organizations, and then multiplied by this funding opportunity’s budget to determine your funding allocation.
Funding for Community Performing Arts Organizations is established by the AFA Board of Directors based on the annual AFA Budget allocated by the Government of Alberta. Department staff evaluate applications according to eligibility criteria and prepare recommendations to the board.
The AFA Board of Directors reviews all funding recommendations, and all decisions are final.
Grant recommendations are made to the AFA board of directors. Successful recipients will be notified upon board approval, generally between four to six months from the application deadline.
Your organization is only eligible to receive support from one AFA operating funding opportunity in any given year. Funding is intended for the activities planned for your organization’s next fiscal year based on information provided in your funding application.
Ineligible expenses for AFA operating funding include, but are not limited to:
The AFA or our authorized representative may examine your financial and other records to ensure funding was used for its intended purpose:
The AFA Fair Notice Policy applies to this funding opportunity:
Your organization must credit the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to your organization’s activities, including electronic, print or visual material.
Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage.
You are required to complete and submit a satisfactory final report in GATE Front Office that demonstrates that funding awarded for the previous fiscal year was spent on the activities described in the application.
Your final report is due October 1.
We must receive your online report through GATE Front Office no later than 11:59 pm Mountain Time, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until 11:59 pm on the next working day. Please give the system time to process your application so we receive notification of your submission before the deadline falls.
Your organization’s final report must include:
Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to:
You may wish to download the following resources to include as attachments with your application or final report.
Should your organization wish to receive payment through direct deposit, please use the Direct Deposit form:
The deadline for this funding opportunity has passed. This opportunity provides funding of up to $30,000 for emerging artist engagement projects in rural communities, including First Nations reserves and Metis Settlements, to cultivate the next generation of artists and address intergenerational gaps in professional development. Projects must occur outside of Alberta’s major urban centres.
The AFA celebrates and supports diversity and is committed to creating equitable, inclusive, and accessible programs for all, free of barriers and discrimination. We recognize the unique contributions all artists make towards our community, and encourage applicants representing diverse communities including Indigenous peoples, racialized communities, women, people with disabilities, and the 2SLGBTQIA+ community.
To be eligible for funding, applicants must be one of the following:
Eligible organizations must also:
Two or more organizations that satisfy the eligibility criteria may apply to collaborate on a project. Multiple applications from separate organizations for aspects of the same project will not be accepted. Projects involving multiple partners must be consolidated and submitted by one lead organization.
Applicants are encouraged to consider projects between different partners (e.g. urban and rural, established arts organizations with new or emerging organizations, arts organizations with health, social services, immigrant settlement services, or Indigenous communities.)
Partnership projects must demonstrate that:
Ineligible applicants are:
New initiatives that engage emerging artists in rural Alberta communities and foster the next generation of artists by addressing gaps in professional development and promote:
Examples include, but are not limited to, projects that:
The maximum grant available will not exceed $30,000. Applicants may apply for up to 100% of eligible expenses that are verifiable and directly related to carrying out the proposed project.
Eligible project expenses include any combination of the following:
Expenses and activities that are ineligible for funding include, but are not limited to:
The deadline for this funding opportunity has passed.
The AFA only accepts applications through the Front Office portal of the Grant Administration Tracking and Evaluation (GATE) online application system. The AFA must receive online applications no later than 11:59 p.m. Mountain Standard Time on the deadline date, unless the deadline falls on a statutory holiday or a weekend when it will be extended until the next working day. Please give the system time to process the submission so the AFA receives notification before the deadline closes.
The AFA does not accept:
First-time applicants will require a GATE Front Office username and password. Requests must be received at least five business days prior to the application deadline.
Please complete the GATE Front Office Registration form and email it as an attachment to registrationAFA@gov.ab.ca, quoting the funding opportunity or grant program to which you are applying.
GATE Front Office usernames and passwords will be sent to the email addresses provide on the registration form.
For detailed step-by-step instructions, please download the GATE Front Office user guide.
The GATE Front Office attachment section indicates that not all attachments are required for submission as they may only be required for certain types of projects (e.g. marketing plan for a marketing project). It is the applicant’s responsibility to ensure all relevant attachments to their project proposal are submitted with the application.
The applicant will be required to complete and upload the following attachments:
Should you wish to submit audio-visual support material, please contact the Arts Development Consultant responsible for this program for detailed instructions.
Staff convene an expert panel to consider all eligible grant applications submitted. The expert panel assesses the merit of each application both on its own terms and in relation to all other applications received for a given deadline.
Assessment of a project is based on the following general criteria:
All expert panel recommendations are reviewed by the AFA and all decisions are final.
Funding is not assured for any project
Applicants will be notified in writing of the result of their application within four months of the application deadline.
Funding is intended for the purposes described in the application. By accepting funding, the organization agrees to undertake the project as proposed in the original project description.
If the organization does not receive the full grant amount requested, it is still required to complete the project as proposed if the organizations accepts the grant.
If the organization requires a change to the project including outcomes or an extension to the final report due date:
Funding recipients are responsible for informing the AFA of how funds were spent and outcomes of the project. The AFA requires a complete and satisfactory final report submitted through GATE Front Office that demonstrates funding was spent on the activities described in the application. The organization must:
Any funding recipient who does not provide a report by the date noted in the successful notification document, does not fulfill any conditions associated with the grant, or whose report is not approved will be made delinquent and may be ineligible for further funding from the AFA for a period of three years from the time the delinquency is resolved.The AFA will retain all materials submitted with grant applications.
The AFA or its authorized representative may examine a grant recipient's financial and other records to ensure that the grant has been used for its intended purpose.
Organizations must acknowledge the AFA for financial support in any publicity prepared in relation to the project, including electronic, print or visual material.
Download versions of the AFA logo and guidelines for usage on our website.
Failure to satisfy the AFA recognition requirements may result in the cancellation of the grant and the requirement to return all of the funding.
A final report is due on the date noted in the successful notification document, typically 60 days from the project completion date set by the applicant. The final report must be submitted through GATE Front Office and demonstrate funding was spent on the activities described in the application.
The final report must include:
The organization will be required to complete and upload the following attachments:
Visit the Help and Resources section of our website to download the GATE Front Office User Guide.
Find more information on how the AFA adjudicates project grants
Learn more about the AFA and EDIA